Social Issue Research Topic

1. What is your social issue?

My social issue is the effects of minimum wage increase.

2. Why is it such a social issue?

Many people believe minimu wage should be increased to reduce poverty yet others believe that our country is not where it should be. They think that if minimum wage is increase, the economy will fail.

3. What is your proposed solution? Why do you think this is the best solution?

My solution to this issue is to gradually increase the minimum wage over the next few years. As long as we slowly increase minimum wage, we can work on bettering the economy as we go.

4. What are pros to your solution?

A couple pros to my solution are a decrease of poverty and an increase of the economy.

5. What are some cons to your solution?

A couple cons to my solution are a decrease of hiring, and an increase of bankrupt businesses.

Audience Questions!

Do you think minimum wage should be increased or stay the same?

Do you have any suggestions to enhance my argument/

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